I see you’re looking to get to know me and frankly, I’m FLATTERED! Here are the TOP 5 NEED TO KNOW FACTS about Ms. Ella Smith.

  1. Born and raised outside Minneapolis, Minnesota. Not quite the boonies but not quite the city either. (Spent a lot of $$ on an education to rid me of the accent . . . but I pull it out from time to time when the mood is right.)

  2. Huge environmentalist. Some call it ‘strong values’ and others - ‘anxiety’.

  3. Vegan baking skills that KILL! (just not animals.) I’ve got a cinnamon roll recipe that will make you believe in a higher power.

  4. Started learning Aerial Silks during the second half of the pandemic. Betcha didn’t know ya girl could do a pull up!

  5. Making people laugh is my favorite thing to do. Making people empathize with others is my second . . . this is why I tell stories.

NYC / Minneapolis / Toronto*

*US & Canadian citizenship. Jealous?